Sunday, March 4, 2012

...and so we were 6!

Yesterday was a profound day...we laughed this morning reflecting on the conversations from policies regarding inappropriate fellatio discussions to marijuana consumption. But the realities behind these conversations are what matter, I understand how the establishment and development of policies is governed by so many more variables than initially thought, they include ideas, like group belonging, influence, access to real information, consensus, problems, and more. Additionally the Goals of equity, security, and liberty were shared by my colleagues through their presentations. I really enjoyed hearing the analogies they shared.

Other additional topics  I really appreciated and look forward to learning more about, include...
1. Glassers 5 basic needs and their need to be the foundation of all programs!
2. Aristotle's concept of the Golden Mean and virtue  I am looking forward to learning more about.
3. A bbrilliant story about establishing new AP Eco standards and increasing student enrollment with training was shared by Dr. M about being an effective administrator.
4. Purpose of School Board members is to hold schools, teachers, principals and administrators accountable for policy and part of the bureaucratic process.

Thank you, for sharing... this knowledge  shared is profound and certainly will add to my continued future as a leader.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The morning after...ORIGINAL

Found the original beginnings, let me share this considering with every minute in class the thoughts sway...
So here we are on Saturday morning March 4th...March 4th, sounds pretty surprising that we are already in the final weekend of this class with Dr. M. The shared philosophies of his teaching are interesting to here from someone who has been there and done it in a manner for one of the few times consistent with my thoughts. The understanding of what excellence needs to be in education from effective leaders to inspiring and caring teacher and personnel are essential for our students. I listen to the stories of Derrick, Rebecca, Malasia, Gerry, Chris, Pat and others in the class regarding their lives and children understanding that WE are the future leaders and the members of education that are needed to change to structure and ensure success for all does occur. But I am also pessimistic that this desire and realization will become a reality.

Saturday morning...4th class

For the 2nd time since the first didn't here we are in the morning of our 5th class. I am disappointed because for one of the first times on my doctoral hunt and career I am hearing many sound philosophical words of wisdom that are congruent from Dr. M. Understanding how education should be and what is is are often contradictory ideas. I appreciate policy and pedagogy but at the end of the day, real change and for the betterment of our students is what is the essence of our work. I love to teach am at a constant strife of why we don't have better teacher sin education. We have a luxury in our career choice to get to share something that we intrinsically find fascinating. Yes there are parameters that govern how we have to show success, whether they be standardized test, Regents exams, Board of Education initiatives, state mandate, and others...but at the essence of what we do is teaching young minds knowledge we have and they aspire for. Yeah right, some do not... but if we can make it relevant in their lives and offer some autonomy in their selection of learning, they WILL learn and WANT to learn!

Yesterday we spoke about policy changes to increase boredom and methods of the revised APPR plan that will hopefully ensure more successful educators. Most importantly it is my responsibility as a building leader to guide and be effective in guiding what is right and wrong for kids! Don't forget it and understand that often it is thankless but essential!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday night...4th class

To be a successful school you have to look back and begin earlier on in grades and have successful teachers.
Too many students are bored… I really have a problem hearing this all the time when I know what we are saying is fundamentally and pedagogically WRONG! Why does it have to be this way! It doesn’t… I don’t do it, never have.  I am firm believer that teaching is one of the easiest jobs to do, but one of the hardest jobs to be good at doing. This is because what most teachers are doing is not teaching!

Dr. M shared story about physics teacher with lack of accurate grading on test and how the contentious issue arose with union.

Tonight Gerry and Derrick shared with us their presentation on the articles they read from their absences. They began with a picture of a boy dressed as a "baseball hoodlum" in my perception. I shared although I may have mental judgements, I would not act any differently with the child...after all he is a child and just in dress. Why would I? Would I treat a picture of a preppy boy in his BWM differently...NO!
They shared four theories that contribute to this discoure. Cultural, Educational Equality, Institutional Deficiency, and Heredity Theory. Derrick highlighted several "crutch" explanations for the Discourse of Rejection. They include, Cool Pose, Acting White, Raceless Persona, Cultural Ecological, and Stereotype Threat. Best part of the conversation was Gerry's 2 year old wearing Jordan shoes. as a result the students reject the school and "do their own thing." And of course this lends itself to a Discourse of Achievement! For those that were exposed to successful feelings, such as enrichment programs, motivaiton, resilience, agency, self-awareness, and others.

Peter Senge concept of mental model...remember it is the mental model that is the greatest barrier to change...