Sunday, February 5, 2012

3rd class

Although dark and and difficult to get up as my alarm went off at 5:30, but bright and productive once Gerry and I were underway by 8am working on the interpretation of our 4 Questions (of course every time I say that I cant help but think of Passover). The continued analysis of these questions will be followed in future reports. We have decided to compare Board Sense of Effectiveness with Professional Leadership and Board Responsibility.

" take advice from not direction take direction from not advice"

Part II Bolman & Deal
continued thoughts to understand better...
  • understand the limits and needs for interpersonal skills and how they impede [lack of] growth
  • power and decision making is defined by a series of sources for power including position, control, reputation, expertise, and limits to information provided.
  • a political skill set requires a vision, understanding of where agents of influence are, ability to identify relevant relationships and knowledge of bargaining and negotiating
  • who is Ross F. Johnson and how he changed the landscape of corporate buyouts through ruthless power development. Consider reading book Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco
  • be prepared to understand the symbols and cultures of the company so you can answer the real question..."what is the fundamental belief at my school."
  • Chris makes a clever analogy of test prep to training for an obstacle course.
  • consider always disaggregation the environments data and determine who is in and who is not
  • the glass ceiling can limit ones own growth, but also can determine why one limits growth
In conclusion I felt excited about reading this book. It was written with relevance to all leaders and practical examples. I look forward to rereading soon for the purpose of my own edification.

Look into Daniel H. Pink Drive & A Whole New Mind

Just received my observation report back from Dr. M and he nailed my own feelings regarding my presentation in the bottom comment about keeping the author alive in my presentation.  I consciously did not, so much that I even used other companies and visuals than those referenced in the chapters. It is something I should re-evaluate and consider giving more appropriate credit. I also understand the need to recognize the frames of reference as they relate to an individuals experience and ability to provide support for the organization.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

2nd class PM

discussions to continue...
  • we need to look at organizations from multiple frames
  • "clear, well-understood goals, roles & relationships and adequate coordination are essential to organizational performance," therefore putting the right people in the right roles and relationship is essential
  • what is the hierarchy within an organization, vertical vs. lateral, formal authority vs. networks
  • Feidler..."the organization should be as the need of the task" therefore, incorporate situational leadership!
  • frames of structural configuration, vary based on roles of hierarchy and tasks of subordinates within their "teams role"...through training
  • employee motivation is related to Maslow hierarchy, Theory X and Y, repetition of tasks, labor union influence and ability to outsource
  • concept of teamwork being feudalistic is archaic, needs more equity with accountability
  • diversity provides a competitve advantage amongst the members for success
Look further into the work of Scott Page and his book Differentiation and understadn how it relates to Reframing Organizations...redefines the way we understand ourselves in relation to one another. The Difference is about how we think in groups--and how our collective wisdom exceeds the sum of its parts. Why can teams of people find better solutions than brilliant individuals working alone? And why are the best group decisions and predictions those that draw upon the very qualities that make each of us unique? The answers lie in diversity--not what we look like outside, but what we look like within, our distinct tools and abilities.

2nd class AM

I shared my desire to seek the need for timely data analysis to teachers with Dr. M and the class he suggested I pursue it in the are of MATH...that is quite an appropriate topic in lieu of the media and my understanding that one of the best indicators of success are a child's math ability...even more support for the use of NWEA and the Mathematician Lament....why math, interesting it is a topic that is primarily taught at school, unlike language and reading! I think this general statement of furture pursuit could be the most startling challenge and redirection in my area of focus for the last few months, tu Dr. M! Amazing, just like Bolman and Deal say, from simple to complex, based on my schemata verse that of Dr. M's.
We are now discussing Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker. Intriguing to discuss the stregths and weaknesses of ourselves. I have considered this is something many administrators are threatened by. Too often it is a competitive industry and the assumption is "I must know that because I am the boss." Examples include understand your strentghs, work on to improve your strengths, welcome feedback, limit your arrogance, remedy your bad habits, and beaware of your manners. Critically ask myself, do I mange my work with others well, or do I work better as a loner?

1st class

Last night was our first class with Dr. Robert Manley at Dowling College. I arrived to the class early and was able to catch up with my colleagues that I haven't seen in a few weeks. After enjoying our hellos and discussing Malasia's expected baby, we introduced ourselves to Dr. M. The most startling news, other than Malasia, was Derricks' decision to possibly leave the course load temporarily for searching being a pastor at a church in his area. The class followed with a brief overview of some of the statistics from prior classes, especially the idea of t-test and how we can generate correlations and determine if statistics are significant, as we learned from good ol' Dr. Perry.
One of the most interesting conversations we spoke about last night was when we went around the classroom and shared our hopes of focus for the dissertation study. Of course when we got to Derrick we had a lengthy conversation as we always do in our classes about the white/black gap...and why it exists. I made a point about the role of the home and family prior to any education begins...but I poorly stated my thoughts and it was misinterpreted. I feel strongly we must always educate every child, but we must recognize how families raise children simultaneously. Although that may not be something we can ever influence, it has to be considered as a piece of the puzzle, especially by the public, or should I say non-educators, that looks solely to the DATA for measures of success. I also admired the quote shared by Dr. M with us from Aristotle... "using the same standard for everybody, may be the most unfair thing we can do."