To be a successful school you
have to look back and begin earlier on in grades and have successful teachers.
Too many students are
bored… I really have a problem hearing this all the time when I know what we
are saying is fundamentally and pedagogically WRONG! Why does it have to be
this way! It doesn’t… I don’t do it, never have. I am firm believer that teaching is one of
the easiest jobs to do, but one of the hardest jobs to be good at doing. This
is because what most teachers are doing is not teaching!
Dr. M shared story about physics
teacher with lack of accurate grading on test and how the contentious issue
arose with union.
They shared four theories that contribute to this discoure. Cultural, Educational Equality, Institutional Deficiency, and Heredity Theory. Derrick highlighted several "crutch" explanations for the Discourse of Rejection. They include, Cool Pose, Acting White, Raceless Persona, Cultural Ecological, and Stereotype Threat. Best part of the conversation was Gerry's 2 year old wearing Jordan shoes. as a result the students reject the school and "do their own thing." And of course this lends itself to a Discourse of Achievement! For those that were exposed to successful feelings, such as enrichment programs, motivaiton, resilience, agency, self-awareness, and others.
Peter Senge concept of mental model...remember it is the mental model that is the greatest barrier to change...
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